Heat Recovery Units and Humidity Control Units

The HRU is using refrigerant Direct Expansion with split heat dissipation principle to transfer reheat temperature between coils. It also makes use of sub-cooling to improve its efficiency. The DX coil provides extended lower dew point control which normal chill water cannot provide. Variable speed compressor, multiple quantity of small compressors and variable condensing fan for variable heat dissipation is used.

Low cost HCU powered by a single Condensing Unit without CHW.

HRU with Heat recovery, CHW coil, DX coil for low dew point supply air. With external condenser for heat dissipation to achieve lower supply air temperature.

HRU with Desiccant Rotor incorporated (This unit is under the desiccant series call the EFA). The result is an extremely low dew point without using the high energy electrical heater for desiccant wheel regeneration. It has excellent energy efficiency.

HRU with Heat recovery, CHW coil, DX coil for low to mid range due point supply air. No external CU is required when the final dew point is not extremely low or when supply air temperature need not be very low. This will bring down the equipment and installation cost.

HRU/HCU with Exhaust air Heat Pipe recovery. This design recover cool exhaust air. The “cool energy” is transferred to get the fresh inlet. As a result, the fresh air receives a “free pre cool” before entering the system.

HRU/HCU with Exhaust air Heat Wheel recovery. This design recover cool and dry exhaust air. Heat wheels are know to have high energy recovery efficiency due to their ability to recover the“LATENT” portion of the exhaust.

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